ตัวอย่างโปรแกรมด้วยปาสคาลหา ห.ร.ม. ด้วยอัลกอริทึมของยูคลิด
VAR a, b, r: extended; (* Use type real if you do not have extended *) (* precision, but his limits the number of *) (* significant figures to about 11. *) BEGIN writeln ('type two positive number separated by a space'); read (a, b); writeln ('gcd of', a:0:0, 'and', b:0:0, 'is'); (* Since a and b change their values during the *) (* program, we have to put this here !*) WHILE b > 0 DO BEGIN r := a - b * INT (a/b); a := b; b := r; END; writeln (a:0:0); END. |